Covid-19 continues to provide new challenges and place a strain on us all. As we move into 2021 some of us are feeling resilient, some battered and many just plain exhausted by so much uncertainty.
This winter has been very different for the Sorauren Farmers’ Market. Our regular indoor space at the Field House in Sorauren Park was too small to house all our regular winter vendors and the social distancing requirements of Public Health, so we opted to pivot to a FARM BOX programme to help tide us over.
In the past we have enjoyed a lively winter market with great food, music and entertainment. We have really missed our community!
In mid December 2020, we introduced the Red Cross Food Hamper programme which encouraged us to think about ways we can keep working towards supporting folks experiencing food security issues. For a wealthy country like Canada, it is sad to acknowledge that the basic right to nourishing, culturally appropriate food is not being met. More than 4 million people struggle with the burden of food insecurity, with a disproportionate number of Black, Indigenous and racialized Canadians identifying as food insecure.
We send our gratitude for the donations received via FARM BOX for the important work being done by Black Creek Community farm and Afri-Can Food Basket. We will be working towards offering a subsidized BIPOC farmer spot for a new farmer at Sorauren Market in 2022.
The Canadian Red Cross Grant allowed us to provide nourishing, locally sourced food hampers for our vulnerable community members most affected by COVID-19. It also meant we formed a new relationship with the wonderful folks from the Bike Brigade, a growing group of Toronto cyclists who have mobilized to get food and essential supplies to folks that need them. The option to have our hampers delivered by non-polluting bicycle delivery was the kind of help we needed!
The Roncesvalles United Church really saved us this winter. They provided warmth, encouragment and support at a time when we were without a home. We are so grateful for this inclusive space, led by Reverend Anne Hines, and we think Roncesvalles is fortunate to have such a groovy church.
From their website:
“We're BIG on LOVE and finding your true gifts in the world. We're big on joy, wonder and joining together to make the world a better place.”
That’s a sentiment we can really get behind! No matter the weather, we can always come together to work for the issues and community we care about. Let’s keep at this important task of taking care of one another. #SolidarityNotCharity